Our journey

Welcome to our blog! We are so excited about designing our new loft in the Clock Tower building in Pittsfield and want to share it with you. This is a new experience for us, and we know there are many, many details.... But, in the end we will have a home that we have built. Thank you for sharing this with us.

Our New Home

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

The 'MTA Wing' is almost ready!

Last year, when we became grandparents, and a wonderful little boy named Miles Theodore Albano came into our lives, we started thinking about buying more space so that we could have our extended family (and friends) visit us in Pittsfield.  This week, the process is almost complete, and very soon this space will be filled with the sounds of our grandson, his parents, and Stella and Phil (Titus' Min Pin cousins).  We're very excited!

The fire door in its original location/condition (that was our living room), and now.  We just had to have it.